Steven Lemley"Imprints 1973," 1973, p. 55 (Pepperdine University Archives Yearbook Collection)

Steven Lemley

Associate dean of student life

In the summer of 1972, Steven Lemley was hired to be associate dean of student life at the new Malibu campus.1 Fresh off his PhD from Ohio State, Lemley was married to Emily Young, the eldest daughter of chancellor Norvel Young and Helen Young. The birth of their first son (Norvel and Helen's first grandchild) was announced in the pages of The Malibu Times in January 1972.2

After a stint as president of sister-school Lubbock Christian College (now Lubbock Christian University), Lemley would return to Pepperdine as provost in 1993, a position he held until 2000, when he rejoined the faculty.3 The child born in 1971—David Lemley—now serves in Seaver College's religion department.


  1. The Malibu Times, 8/11/72, p. 10 (Pepperdine University Archives)
  2. The Malibu Times, 1/14/72, p. 3 (Pepperdine University Archives)
  3. Baird, 2016, p. 521 (Pepperdine University Press)